Terris Linenbach
Terris Linenbach
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.Connecting.html > An authentication token is a string of characters that you use instead of a password. Once you generate an authentication token, it's valid for 15 minutes before it...
Passwordless database access via SSL is our corporate security policy for all services. "Use IAM database authentication as a mechanism for temporary, personal access to databases" is funny because services...
that would be great. How about an auth failure callback too?
Otherwise I can regenerate the token when I get an exception when running a sql command and retry. I already use the backoff module.
I suggest getting above PR’s branch, merging in master, and building aiohttp locally to see if the PR works for you. If so that would further support merging in the...
I'm a happy user of aiopg. Getting to 1.0 for aiomysql is a significant milestone for asyncio that some may argue is long overdue. But at least it's within reach.
#251 has another related bug .. you cant run a sql stmt with more than 6 or 7 statements. Aiomysql hangs.
It might be as I discovered this yesterday with 0.0.14. I will dig into it. The underlying pymysql bug specific to #251 has been fixed but not released for some...
Is this stable? Is there a better example? My use case is AWS RDS IAM tokens.
Amazon has been planning for some time to change their certificates for TLS to RDS, at least for mySQL. If your RDS server has been upgraded (which Amazon will do...