Terri Oda

Results 388 comments of Terri Oda

Further thoughts from the meeting: - [3.7 's EOL date is in 10 months](https://endoflife.date/python) so dropping it is likely not a reasonable option yet - could be related to Mock...

Today looks like the same 8: ``` =========================== short test summary info ============================ FAILED test/test_extractor.py::TestExtractFileRpm::test_extract_file_rpm_no_rpm2cipo FAILED test/test_extractor.py::TestExtractFilePkg::test_extract_file_pkg[inpath_return_values0] FAILED test/test_extractor.py::TestExtractFileDeb::test_bad_files - RuntimeEr... FAILED test/test_extractor.py::TestExtractFileCab::test_extract_file_cab - Ru... FAILED test/test_extractor.py::TestExtractFileZip::test_extract_file_zip[inpath_return_values1] FAILED test/test_helper_script.py::TestHelperScript::test_scan_files_multiline FAILED...

I think all of these ones have been closed so this issue can be closed. If you see any new ones, please open a new issue!

To be more clear on what to do here: What we want is for aiohttp exceptions to be caught in the code and translated into some sort of (silent) error...

Marking this as "signature needs work" and removing the "good first issue" label as this one could potentially be difficult.

And thanks @jerinjtitus for the research and the heads up about the challenge level!

I like the line of thinking here, but there's huge chasms of bad ideas that happen when you talk about building an abstraction layer. So I'm glad you opened a...

**Multiple component lists**: I'd guess this is reasonably common. Even cve-bin-tool itself has both python and javascript package lists. Python folk often also have C components for performance reasons. I've...

As for GSoC: yes, this would be a good addition to #1526. I'd guess it's doable within a 175hr stint for someone who knows the data structures and has a...