
Results 9 issues of terminalforlife

Please refer to commit message for all the information on the changes. Let me know if I missed something.

Hi @chubin ! I don't recall seeing a method by which I or another can contact you -- might be nice to set up an E-Mail for that, for these...

https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible#reverse-an-array This approach is not restricted to >= 5.0, which will probably be a huge deal to some people looking to write more portably. It works in >= 3.1. Tested...

https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible#split-a-string-on-a-delimiter This function works as intended in >= 3.1, unless I'm forgetting something. Prior to 3.1, you'll likely incorrectly see single-quotes in the output, if it even gets that far....

Referring to what was brought up by @dev-casual's in issue #4: >Only thing bugging me, but that is _really_ nitpicky and not worth any hassle, is >that I sometimes scroll...

Bug Report

The archive downloaded is now the current latest one. A couple of those commands were redundant, so I've cleaned that up. Tested and working in Ubuntu 16.04.3; please test in...

Sorry to make an Issue about this — I've nowhere else to really post it. What's this project's stance on rebasing? I've used Git and GitHub for years, but I've...


Having tested this functionality on all full releases of BASH (standard compilation), from 3.0 onwards, I must conclude that this awesome trick and/or the shell option itself is not available...

Please refer to commit messages. Nice to see this project again.