Yes, just pass your url to the `imageUrl` prop. ``` ```
The `PolylineOptions` class has a property called `geodesic`, and when set to true, will display a polyline over the Pacific Ocean.
Currently hot-reload has been supported in v1.1.0, now new theme files will be generated when a reload is triggered.
Thanks for your feedback. The root cause is that the `moduleFilename` option was removed in MiniCssExtractPlugin v1.x. I fixed it in the latest version, now it can support both v0.x...
> error with MiniCssExtractPlugin v0.9 > > ``` > Error: Cannot find module 'mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/plugin-options.json' > ``` Fixed in the commit https://github.com/terence55/themes-switch/commit/104340c2294f8e8822977b5acdf83e6a8e143a57 Thanks.
Could you provide a reproducible demo in codesandbox or codepen for this issue? Simplifications are made when using `less-loader` or `sass-loader`. This issue may occur when using only `css-loader`, but...
Which API do you use in your own site for searching POI? BTW, it seems that screenshot 1 is from Baidu, and screenshot 2 is from your site.
`Same Latitute and Langitute data will show correct location on baidu map as well as in google map.` Does "baidu map" here mean directly using the Baidu Map JS SDK?...
The coordinate you provided does not match the address. When you try to search for POIs using keywords instead of exact coordinates, you can definitely see matching locations, it doesn't...