James Honaker
James Honaker
That would be good. That would also help when bootstraps are used to approximate weights, and for implementation of the Jackknife, which was not going to be at all efficient...
Two points: [1] About method and wrapper calls. setrange() isn't necessary when using the wrappers, and this is one place where the wrapper and method behaviour could be brought closer...
That underlying function is here: https://github.com/IQSS/Zelig/blob/256019e83ee81b045e104cc113aab06ff720086b/R/plots.R#L499 I don't believe it's exported so call it as `zelig:::ci.plot(x)` You pass it a Zelig Object. Note the underlying function is `ci.plot` while zeligverse...
Quick update that Zelig is back up on CRAN. Give it a day or two to propagate to your favorite CRAN mirrors. ZeligChoice will take a couple days beyond that....
In general, I believe `fd` is correct as the argument, but you have to have a Zelig object that contains first differences. Which is to say you'll need to have...
This is the same underlying issue as #128 #223 IQSS/ZeligChoice#14 IQSS/ZeligChoice#17 , that is, there is no presently enabled syntax for systems of equations. The trajectory on this issue, was...
(I removed the documentation issue for `mlogit` in zeligproject.org.)
Just as a point of information, in terms of ever thinking about standardizing, the EI models use the `cbind(y1, y2)~` notation currently, while the survival models use `Surv(y, c)~' (for...
From https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html >Citations in the ‘Description’ field of the DESCRIPTION file should be in author-year style, followed by a DOI or ISBN for published materials, or a URL otherwise. Preferably,...
in INST/CITATION we're still using Imai, King, Lau. 2008. Journal of Computational Graphics and Statistics. https://github.com/IQSS/Zelig/blob/f16809bdd3fde77cd51d5bdf99f533b421e7cf52/inst/CITATION#L22-L35