Satoshi Terasaki
Satoshi Terasaki
Nim での変数は camelCase で宣言することを推奨されていますが、 snake_case で書いた変数名と同一視されることはどこかに書いたほうがいいかもしれないです。 ```nim var intVariable = 1 inc int_variable inc intvariable echo intvariable # 3 inc inTvariable echo intvariable # 4 #echo Intvariable #Error: undeclared identifier:...
This PR allows us to call [`npx`]( command from NodeJS.jl After this PR is merged, we can use it as follows: ```julia using NodeJS open("", "w") do io write(io,"# Hello...
For example this code will increase memory usage of GPU. ```julia for i in 1:100 tresnet = resnet.layers |> torch end ``` And this code will occur same phenomena ```julia...
I tried to run your Pkg . ``` julia> using Pkg; Pkg.clone("") ``` seems OK but occurs error message the below after `using FastStyleTransfer` ```shell julia> using FastStyleTransfer [ Info:...
`Base.isinteractive()` outputs `false` in Jupyter notebooks when `Julia release channel` is selected
When I open a Jupyter notebook on VS Code, I find `Base.isinteractive()` outputs `false` when `Julia release channel` is selected. See on the right in the attached image below. However,...
> (linux installation) It seems there is a similar issue that happens on macOS (Intel) ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ ```console u _ _ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: (_) | (_) (_)...
Drop Windows support to advance my own preferred development
We will focus workflow with VSCode