Satoshi Terasaki

Results 25 issues of Satoshi Terasaki

Hi, I would like to your module but can't import here is the code I tested ```nim #sample.nim import arraymancer_vision echo "hello" ``` and here is an error log ```...

As well as Interact.jl Contributed Examples , it is good idea to collect examples using Dash.jl. Here is my example # Code ```julia # Usage: just run this code...

I'm reading the article for [CSPNet: A New Backbone that can Enhance Learning Capability of CNN]( It is not quite clear Equation (6) shown the image below: ![image]( Ho did...


One of the code using HCubature.jl got internal error on Julia1.2.0 . Here is an example how to reproduce the error: ``` $ docker run --rm -it julia:1.2.0 \ julia...

- This topic begins with [my tweets]( - I'm trying to run Julia on Raspberry Pi Series for edge computing which is hot topics in IoT era . Since the...

When I try to execute mnist.jl which is provided as an example of this repository, I get an error with the following error message: ``` $ julia mnist.jl [ Info:...

When I used this DataLoaders.jl in my project especially deep learning, I encountered a reproductivity problem with multi-threading is enabled. Below is a MWE that describes our issue. Here, `MyDataset`...

I downloaded `annot-test.h5` provided from and reading the data using `h5py` ( one of Python library). I've confirmed the `annot-test.h5` stores `scale` value. On the other hand, original annotation...

Dear @bingykang Thank you for your sharing your code! I would like to use it in a project and make some adaptations. It is much appreciated if you add a...