Nickolai Parinoff
Nickolai Parinoff
Upgraded to 5.0.2, this didn`t fix problem for slack+russian messages.
> I still think that this is a different problem than in [#26352]( Perhaps they are related. > > We noticed that the error pops up at the moment when...
Didn't fix error for me. Got `matchedCount` and `modifiedCount` `0.0`.
I thought i've selected db before query. modifiedCount: 2703 And this did the trick! All merged messages and threads are now in place and no error hits the screen. Big...
Same thing but: - changing or disabling markdown parser has no effect - message history completely reloads after new message or hitting reply button ul.messages-list keeps refreshing. Downgrading to 5.1.4...
How can legacy parser be disabled?
Other than loosing useful markdown features this way seems pretty inconvinient as has to be performed under every user in a system. I'll leave it be with 5.1.4 for a...