Teoni Valois
Teoni Valois
Any ideas when/if this will get finished?
@hazzik I'd disagree with the usage of the `virtual` from your point of view... the `virtual` should be there as an optional method to implement. If something is mandatory, then...
ah, sorry then... I misinterpreted the paragraph... The "This works because of this" got lost on my reading...
I've created the very first version of it, and is working fine. https://github.com/teonivalois/hubot-hangoutschat
Fixed that on https://github.com/teonivalois/sudzc and already asked for a Pull Request. :) It's working like a charm!
Hi, Are you using ARC? Can you post the URL here? Regards, ## Teoni Valois On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:22 PM, yeteryayeter < [email protected] > wrote: > >...
It was solved in my version: http://github.com/teonivalois/sudzc ## PS.: Desculpe a brevidade. Esta mensagem foi enviada através do meu dispositivo móvel. Atenciosamente, Teoni Valois Em 09/05/2012, às 22:16, [email protected] escreveu:...
Hi, Simply go to your CH_TestWSImplService.m line 60 and change the [... desserializeTo: nil] parameter to [... desserializeTo: [CH_responseBean alloc]] and it will work! :)
Hi yeteryayeter, This issue is not occurring with my services.