Andrey Teologov
Andrey Teologov
Hey, I am trying to play around with your project, I want to convert model to CoreML, and my script fails with next error: ``` Preparing models for conversion fast-neural-style/models/eccv16/candy.t7...
Hi, I am trying to setup your project and script fails with next error for every model: ``` Preparing models for conversion /Users/teologov/torch/install/bin/lua: /Users/teologov/torch/install/share/lua/5.2/torch/File.lua:375: unknown object stack traceback: [C]:...
Hi, I noticed a bug when `NSStatusBarButton` icon tint doesn't update dynamically when using `ThemeKit`. Setting `button.isTemplate=true` doesn't help. It seems it just keeps either a dark or light theme,...
Function signature specialization <Arg[0] = Owned To Guaranteed, Arg[1] = Owned To Guaranteed> error
Hi, I've just replaced the `MASPreferences` with your package, amazing work! It works perfectly on macOS Big Sur 11.0.1. But I've faced with next issue when I open the preferences...