Teoh Sin Yee

Results 8 issues of Teoh Sin Yee

Refer to README.md, search for BookCorpus & click on the link. It will redirect you to [here](https://yknzhu.wixsite.com/mbweb) & you will notice BookCorpus is no longer available from the original authors.

**My PDF original text screenshot:** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56106630/180738889-76b47696-6b4e-4cb3-b456-d3738b8b253e.png) **Result of extraction:** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56106630/180738923-a1759c30-ca92-481c-9601-1d8f354ae828.png) Is there any setting to extract the exact line as `2nd of March 2015 onwards` rather than splitting it into...

1. Export multilabel as CSV file will output **label1#label2** (FILE A) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56106630/168742615-472e628b-3cfb-4d1d-8d34-2c66cbfaf1df.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56106630/168742777-0f34d0d1-2ccf-4eb1-9c1b-61aae0e6f1d1.png) 2. When I import the CSV file to Doccano, the labels are not separated by #. Instead,...


I need to annotate around **100k lines of text** under 1 project. is it possible? Your Environment --------- * Operating System: Windows 10 * Python Version Used: 3.10 * When...


Hi everyone. I want to extract post from https://www.facebook.com/ustazahasmaharun/ Referring to 1st line code below, the pages parameter set is 100. It works perfectly when i set to 20. But...

How to detect table from a bunch of PDF files using Camelot? I want to input bunch of PDF files, and return True or False only. I have 2000 PDF...

Run this: ``` from sematch.semantic.similarity import WordNetSimilarity wns = WordNetSimilarity() print(wns.word_similarity('dog', 'cat', 'li')) ``` It returned errors: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\resume-parsing-private\sematch_test.py", line 1, in from sematch.semantic.similarity...

I am now proceeding here: [Easy or Hard: After creating your new application](https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight/wiki/Quickstart#easy-or-hard-after-creating-your-new-application) After running `bundle exec solr_wrapper`, my system shows `Starting Solr 9.2.1 on port 8983 ...` only forever...