Teofil Nakov
Teofil Nakov
I have something similar on shinyapps.io, where the apps url is: `username.shinyapps.io/app_name`. Because the base url is `/app_name`, and not just `/`, the redirects also do not work out of...
Thanks Colin! Didn't mean to suggest to add usethis as a dependency. Just to mention how one can bypass the problem while a suitable solution is in place. Thanks for...
Hi Andryas, You have a typo when you collect the DT cell edit into `info`. You have `input$` twice, which causes `shiny` to look for a slot called `input` in...
Hey @ColinFay Would something like this work: ``` ######## > library(golem) > my_amend_golem_config
Here is an attempt. First a function to find the expressions in a yaml. ``` library(golem) find_and_tag_exprs
PR incoming: #752
I had a similar issue. One way to circumvent this is to resolve the reactive and assign the dataset to the global environment with `
This error likely comes down to https://github.com/richfitz/stevedore/blob/5c281a89f464b4034868cd9f3ac075edb51f5252/R/docker_client_support.R#L121 and then to https://github.com/richfitz/stevedore/blob/5c281a89f464b4034868cd9f3ac075edb51f5252/R/util.R#L477. This is the only place `log(bytes, 1000)` is found in the code. It looks like it depends on the...