Teodor Pripoae
Teodor Pripoae
Hi, My laptop has 4 cores, and doing an apache benchmark shows only one core is used. Is there any setting available to make it work on multiple cores ?
Hi, I can see tera can use Zookeeper or iNexus. Is there any plan to support Etcd ? Thank you, Teodor
Hi, I'm experiencing some issues when doing a rolling update over my ringpop cluster. I'm running the cluster on top of Kubernetes with a [headless service](http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#headless-services) for peer communication. Every...
# Description of problem I am running kata-containers in a K3s cluster on Rocky Linux 9.4. Kata is installed using confidential-containers operator version 0.9.0. - kata-runtime 3.6.0 - qemu 8.2.4...