Lou Nguyen

Results 10 issues of Lou Nguyen

I am wondering how can I change the jitter / space between marker? Or how can I make the un-clustered markers leg longer because my markers are kind of big...

I am trying to draw an rectangle on the map, as soon as I start to mouse down and drag to draw a rectangle, i have this > Cannot read...

Is there a way I can escape/ cancel the drawing using the ESC key while I am half way dragging a rectangle/ circle?

Is there a way to change the behavior from left click and drag to right click and drag to draw?

Hi, Is there a way to know if user click on prev/next button in the calendar? I know the on('changeDate') is detected if user change the selected date. But if...

I have a question regarding to the popup on each marker. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45307367/leaflet-popup-on-each-marker-using-leaflet-playback Can anyone help me with this?

My GeoJSON is look like this: var mycode = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": coord }, "properties": { "path_options": {"color": "red"}, "time": timeStamp, "adv" : adv }...

I am wondering if the slider can play back base on each marker when it changes position, not timestamp. Because my marker can stay in the same position for couple...

Is this posible to add a pause/ resume/ startover button on one of your example? [https://playground-leaflet.rhcloud.com/lum/edit?html,output](url) An example would be a big help. Thank you.

I am wondering how to change color of marker that has multiple markers behind to make it different than a single marker. For example, I have like 20 markers on...