Zack Boman
Zack Boman
I published `1.0.11` to npm. You should be able to update to it through `npm update quickmock`.
@nicosampler has this issue been resolved by that update above?
I am currently working on `v2.0.0`, which will have support for components. Unfortunately, based on my current bandwidth of free time to spend working on it, I'm guessing it won't...
This is a known issue. Here's the issue that I created a long time ago to address this problem: Unfortunately I have worked on it a lot and haven't...
You're right. I need to fix support for `$inject`. I had it in there once but apparently broke it in an update somewhere along the line. Sorry. I'll get it...
Hi @jolafrite, here are my responses to your points: 1) Thanks for noticing the strict mode. I'll make a couple of changes to make it strict-safe. I don't know how...
Yes, it's been fixed on master. Unfortunately master isn't quite at a stable point where I can add an additional official release for it. I'm still working on it. It...
I just published 1.0.7 which has a fix for strict mode. Can someone please pull the latest and test it for me? If you're still seeing the issue, please let...
Oh okay. I see. Just do like a `angular.extend(newScope, configScope)` to merge all the properties from the config scope value onto the scope that is created by quickmock. I think...