Chandu Tennety
Chandu Tennety
It's useful to know what directory a given page is located in. One use-case would be to compare two pages to see if they are from the same directory or...
Maybe useful for performance in cases where the pattern doesn't change much from one generation to the next. Currently we plot the entire grid for every generation.
Running `GameOfLife.elm` directly from elm reactor is broken right now because of how the flags are used. Figure out how to make `elm reactor` work for ease of development.
Currently the parser `Result` is mapped over to default to an empty `List` of `Cell`s. Show the user when they enter an "invalid" (currently un-parseable) pattern instead of failing silently.
This will allow centering of the pattern better. Having the origin at the center doesn't scale well when all the cells are in the positive x space.
Support smaller screens. The current layout breaks at ~1100px.
The library seems to be using a [different auth mechanism]( than the one shown in the [Picker API examples]( Specifically, I'm looking for ways to set `access_type: "offline"`, but I...