Alexei Tenitski

Results 12 comments of Alexei Tenitski

Not a help for the issue above, but if your symptoms are similar make sure your handler in lamda is called `index.handler`. I called mine after the function and it...

I can't use Alt-Tab specifically because of this... Hurts my eyes too much.

This is likely because you had `paginate.previous` and/or `` in Pagination block. It works for me after I removed those two, leaving only `` like shown in the docs: ```...

Oh I think I got it - it is single service to single hostname mapping. If I have many services behind an internal router with ingress pointing to that router...

And if I try to use internal host names like `SERVICE_NAME.NAMESPACE_NAME.svc.cluster.local` it does not work as Osiris seem to watch only ingress

So I guess the question is - is it possible to get Osiris to work with ClusterIP services using internal DNS names?

While internal hostnames are indexed Osiris seem to be using external hostname to pull service from the index

Thanks for getting back to me. I went through all the options 10 times and read half of the source code :). It seems that my problem is that Osiris...

Can you please point out a place where a hostname of a service for a processed request is set?

So the request flows is: * Ingress Controller (``) * Ingress (``) * Kubernetes Service linked to a router deployment (`router.example.svc.cluster.local`, router has a mapping between different paths and microservices...