Tomás E. Müller Bravo
Tomás E. Müller Bravo
Hi, I would like to apply NMF to a dataset with missing values and uncertainties. I know there exists this package: [](, but it hasn't been updated in a long...
It would be nice if you could add a link (e.g., ADS or arXiv) to all the cited papers in the documentation.
Hi, I have a couple of questions regarding the uncertainties in the fits when I use a mean function model. Specifically, I am trying to fit the light curves of...
I was wondering if there is an implementation or a way to use the existing tools to do GP with binned data for bins with irregular shapes (like a passband)....
Hi, I am trying to understand something about the size aperture used for aperture photometry. I extract the objects in my image with `sep.extract()` and then estimate the kron radius...
### Description Whenever a FITS file is overwrite with `hdu.writeto(file, overwrite=True)` on Windows. I get the following error: `PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is...
Hi. I have been using astroquery and noticed that some objects names are not recognized when using the `NED.query_object()` function even though they do work on the NED website (e.g....