I think so. Searching is a great function for this project and online mode is OK.
As a clojurian, the expected behavior is to turn the strings of the namespaces (`reagent.core` and `re-navigate.events`, as shown in vikeri's sample) and the functions (`atom` and `dispatch-sync`) into the...
类似于这样,在evaluate.py中添加一个函数 ``` def predict(line, model, data_loader, params): # added by temco for prediction """predict the sentence with the model""" idx2tag = params.idx2tag pred_tags = [] batch_data = [] tokens =...
such a problem was met when I ran `python Ryven/Ryven.py` in the root folder of this project. ``` qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "cocoa" in "" even...
> I get this when calling "cider-jack-in" and the command "sesman-quit" seems to fix it. Yes, it works. I cider-jack-in the cider-nrepl and then cider-connect to another repl, then I...
> If you proxy is at system level, you can add them into .env.local > > ``` > http_proxy=... > https_proxy=... > ``` thanks, maybe my account has no privilege...