
Results 4 comments of teknowill

mainnet full node. windows 10 pro 1803. I think so, had the node up for a while. showing block at 6 985 964 as 20:05 UTC if I close/open it...

you'll see this in the log [2018-11-23 13:50:08.475] [error] screenActions - Show error TypeError: Failed to fetch While processing action: function (dispatch, getState, api) { return api.geth.eth.getBlockByNumber('pending', true).then(function (result) {...

running docker from Ubuntu 22 same changed args: - NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL=http://IP#:3001/api - NEXT_PUBLIC_WS_URL=ws://IP#:3001 Chrome: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Firefox: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the...

docker rmi perlexica* rebuild worked, thank you! ACK run local focus, limited support bandwidth and via remote server is a [Feature request] if it is running localhost you are 99%...