Tejas Ardeshna

Results 7 issues of Tejas Ardeshna

In iOS11 FXblur view is not working. Blur goes blue color with `-[UIView layer] must be used from main thread only` this warning. It was working in iOS10.

Is there any way to disable bounce effect in swift ?

After adding side menu and set `self.frostedViewController.panGestureEnabled = false` Any UIControlEventTouchDragExit event of button are not working.

Declaring `func calendar(calendar: JTCalendarManager, didTouchDayView dayView: JTCalendarDayView)` Method show Error like below > Objective-C method 'calendar:didTouchDayView:' provided by method 'calendar(_:didTouchDayView:)' conflicts with optional requirement method 'calendar(_:didTouchDayView:)' in protocol 'JTCalendarDelegate'

Here is my code(Swift 2.1): ``` let navigSide : UINavigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: ObjSide) navigSide.navigationBarHidden = true let navigCenter : UINavigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: objHomeVC) navigCenter.navigationBarHidden = true drawerController = DrawerController(centerViewController: navigCenter,...