Tom Harris
Tom Harris
I have been asked a similar request on the Insteon side. Unfortunately, I don't agree with creating scenes as devices for a few reasons. Most importantly, an Insteon scene is...
Couldn't we use the `OptionsFlow` class for this? If `OptionsFlow` has an `async_update_entry` method it seems to me most of what is discussed in this thread becomes possible. Not all...
Up vote for the feature!
Perhaps an easy entry point into the ability to run an async listener is to test if the asyncio loop is running. If it is running, await the listener. If...
I am not sure what you are looking at but the current version used by home assistant is 1.5.2. there is a current pull request to bring it up to...
> I think this looks good. A second opinion from somebody with more knowledge of custom_panel would be good. I built the Insteon side panel and this LGTM.
To help the code review process, here is a list of changes: - 4 types of configuration entites have been added: - Switch - Light - Number (new platform) -...
Yes, I can do that. BTW, as I recall, the type changes are often the response to the linters requiring typing now before any individual file can be committed, forcing...
I submitted the first PR #92366
Perfect Issue description. Thank you. This is quick fix. I will get it into a patch update. Not sure if it will make it into a 2023.3.x or if it...