Hello, When I create a task on the existing day and set the end date on same day, I always get it as delayes. Is it possible to set a...
Hello, I am looking to find the canvas and text. I think I searched eveywhere but I could not find where does the text "%0 of assigned tasks completed"
Hello , I am trying to localize timesheet page . How can I localize the week day pages ? I try to add this in line 34 of CalendarController but...
Hello, I am trying to run your repo. I have imported your sql file to my databases. when i try "/install" I am getting ``` "Oops ! Something Went Wrong....
Hello , I am using amistad now. It is a nice gem but i can add a friend many times. Can you show me a way to avoid it? this...
Hello, I have little information about rss feeds.My feeds are in the link " http://feed.sirtcantalilar.com " By your package I was able to add them to my site. Now I...