I've seen this happen before as well. Entering player options is usually sufficient (and it works even if I don't change anything). I do not know the cause.
Ah yeah this was brought to my attention yesterday as well. It's happening because Static.lua on this release will play videos instead of having a static png which can cause...
I commited https://github.com/teejusb/fsr/commit/52b3616afe0c2c255a251c406327127e2fa26d38. Do you think you can check if it works on 3.10 for you now?
I pushed an update to multidict as well which should work with 3.10. Think you could try that as well?
Hmm I'm surprised you need C++ dev tools considering the server is written in Python... but maybe since Python is built on top of C you need it? I'm not...
Ah thanks! I updated the ino and looks like I didn't update the README accordingly. Thanks! I'll update this in a little bit.
I don't quite follow. There's a WebUI that lets you manage the thresholds already.
It's confusing because he states `in order to make it easier to manage the threshold change of each sensor` which is what the WebUI does. A (cross platform) installer for...
I do have an installer in progress so I'll get it out soon enough.
Hmm it looks like it's working for me? How are you downloading it? Seems like you can't `right click -> save link as` from the readme as that seems to...