Ted Steiner

Results 6 issues of Ted Steiner

Is there a way to force the x and y axes to have equal scales? I have been computing the correct pixel heights and widths for a figure based on...

Add a new Bounds type replacing/enhancing/extending the current one that allows a list of corners to define a boundary rather than just limiting to min/max Lat/Lon. This might be used...

help wanted

Requires Julia 0.3 to update Graphs.jl far enough.

low priority

Minor bug. When a road leaves the map boundary and later returns, the cropper does not properly handle this. I think that currently the cropper places the road as following...

low priority

The OpenCV quaternion class was not added until OpenCV 4.5.1, so it's less widely available than the TF2 conversion. This change allows a source build of the ROS 2 "perception"...

The `TrackMarkerNode` [includes](https://github.com/ros-perception/image_pipeline/blob/dbf697de8ac6e3f06044bc920a36785b28cb1cf4/image_proc/src/track_marker.cpp#L43) the OpenCV header ``. Currently the `image_proc` [CMakeLists.txt](https://github.com/ros-perception/image_pipeline/blob/dbf697de8ac6e3f06044bc920a36785b28cb1cf4/image_proc/CMakeLists.txt#L17) file specifies that OpenCV 3.2.0 is the minimum required version. However, [quaternion.hpp](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/4.x/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp) wasn't added to OpenCV until version 4.5.1....
