Ted Smith

Results 46 comments of Ted Smith

Thank you once again! I've uploaded the packages to the website. I take your point about the branches. I'm still trying to get to grips with git generally. I need...

That would be great! Yes please. Ted Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Brilliant! Thank you. Added to the website http://quickhash-gui.org/download/quickhash-v2-8-2-debian-packages-for-linux/

Brilliant. Thank you sir! Have uploaded to the site.

So fast! Many thanks. Added to the website.

Is there any chance you would be able to generate a deb package for v3.0.1 master using your scripts? I'd appreciate it but if not I will look into doing...

Sorry to come back so quickly, but v3.0.2 is out which fixed several bugs but one of them was quite important so I couldn't delay the release. Its committed to...

@darealshinji v3.0.3 is out, if you are still able to do the honours for me? However, I just discovered after wrapping up a pre-compiled binary up which worked fine within...

You're a rock star! It works perfectly on my Linux Mint system. Thanks. I'll get it uploaded to the website over the weekend. I'm interested to know why the compiled...

but loading all the libraries present seems extreme? I'll try and get round to trying out the latest commit on Linux Mint 19 later and see how it gets on...