Ted Smith
Ted Smith
I totally understand and can entirely relate. I'll be happy to get a ping if/when you implement. Thanks for giving your thoughts of course.
So do you mean if the file was called MyFile.doc, you want to generate output files called Myfile.doc.sha512, and in that file, you want it to hold the hash value,...
Hi Thanks for your thoughts. You're perhaps right. It has crossed my mind before to just ditch the website entirely and host everything here, seeing as the AWS fees are...
Thanks for the contact. Your first point is very valid and one I will look into. Your second point is one I have looked at several times over the years...
Yes, good ideas. So if I setup several TProcess instances, and then after the folder scan to identify all the files, for all files under say 100Kb divide them out...
Sounds good, but to my knowledge that would mean reading offsets from $mft for ntfs, the fat table for fat32/16 and exFat, inodes for ext3/4 and so on. In turn...
https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/classes/tthread.html It seems there is a Thread class. If I create a TThread descendant (i.e. THashThread) that uses the CalcTheHashFile function, it may work, though I might need to make...
I have made a start on this, with some help from user Taazz at the FPC forums. A small self-contained prototype is getting there, allbeit with some thread count issues,...
Not really, no. I had a lot of discussions about it, and there are lots of folk who ask the same. The problem is that QH is a hobby project...
So let me check I understand... You want the ability to point Quickhash at a text file that contains a number of file paths and you want it to then...