Taylor D. Edmiston

Results 33 comments of Taylor D. Edmiston

+1 Clicking the repo link (which points to http://html.python-requests.org/) gives this:

I found other issues pointing to docs deployed at https://requests.readthedocs.io/projects/requests-html/en/latest/. Not sure if that source is up-to-date though.

Hey @tfayyaz do you have any thoughts on this?

Cool. This raises a great point. I guess the reason CamelCase "felt right" is that I'm thinking about them like subclasses, but you're right -- that's not what they _are_....

This makes sense too. I'll sit tight for a few days to let it sink in.

@sergei-maertens Sure, I'm happy to send up the PR. Do you want to standardize on singular or plural names for `Choices` objects in this too (`BookType` or `BookTypes`)? A cursory...

This would be awesome to have! I've been spoiled by other popular linters... Here is my temporary hack of a bash function in the meantime: ```bash function shellcheck-summary { #...

Possible dupe of #1675 which has one solution here (use `//.`) - https://github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt/issues/1675#issuecomment-862298365

I'm experiencing this as well. I thought at first it might be because my Python version is too new (3.9.5) but haven't arrived at a cause yet.