Neil Smyth
Neil Smyth
## Description As a developer I want a clean code base ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Remove field parentDisplayName from Agent - [ ] Add type field onto Agent...
## Description As a user I want a simple domain model ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Move the spaceDefaults and library (TemplatesSet) to be on Space entity - [...
## Description As a developer I want to have a simpler domain model ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Allow creating more than one Space on an Account - [...
## Description As a platform admin I want to ensure that the data is clean ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Mutation to allow platform admins (privilege: PLATFORM_ADMIN) to merge...
## Description As a developer I want to have a simpler domain model ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] All new users and organizations to have an account created -...
## Description As a platform admin I want to be able to see all entities that I need to manage ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] admin entity under platform...
Placeholder until can take this further
## Description As a I want So that ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Should ‹testable condition that should be satisfied› - [ ] … ## Additional Context Screen shots...
## Description As a sys admin I want the session extend to be robust + secure ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Review usage of [email protected] for doing the session...
**Describe the bug** Neil sees : **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error **Expected...