Klemen Tusar

Results 4 issues of Klemen Tusar

In order to work with Flutter 3, we'd need to upgrade [analyzer](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/tree/main/pkg/analyzer) to `^4.0.0`. Seeing that this package looks somewhat abandoned 😭, I've created [my own updated fork here](https://github.com/techouse/envify). If...

Since the JSON payloads can be quite large, using `json.decode()` on the main thread [could cause janking](https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/networking/background-parsing) in Flutter. One solution would be to expose a method that does the...

Hi, Since the JSON payloads can be quite large, using `json.decode()` on the main thread [could cause janking](https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/networking/background-parsing). One solution would be to expose a method that does the decoding...
