Bohus Kovac

Results 6 issues of Bohus Kovac

Environment: Oxygen OS Magisk 24.1 Steps taken: - added '' to Detach.txt - flashed the module from within Magisk - Detach reports Android auto as detached Result: Andoid auto...

**Describe the bug** Fresh install from AUR. Upon first launch, an error message appears. User can only quit the app. See error in screenshot. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the...


Zdravím, podporuje skript konverziu proprietárnych formátov Lingea 5 alebo Millenium? V predošlej verzii Lexiconu bolo možné previesť slovníky z Lingea prostredníctvom shell skriptu. Podpora by bola určite výborná vec, app...


At the moment (v2.2.2), users are unable to pass any rclone runtime flags or supply dynamic rclone.conf configuration. Flags are hardcoded IIRC, e.g. runtime config is set here Allowing...

If a TS client advertises a route, this is kept in the routes list on Headscale server. However, if a client is restarted with `tailscale --reset` and consecutively launched with...

**Describe the bug** Biometric unlock on 1.25.1 does not work. On app startup, I always have to log in using password. When I head to settings and try to enable...
