David Johnson-Davies

Results 26 issues of David Johnson-Davies

All Calliope mini boards manufactured from 2019 onwards have used the nRF51822-QFAC processor with 32 Kbytes of RAM, but the core assumes 16 Kbytes. To fix this the following three...

I'm planning to use your Optiboot Flasher on the ATmega1284P, but there are a few things I don't understand: * I'm not sure what you're referring to by 'buffer' in...

It turns out that on the AVR128DX28 and AVR128DX48 I2C doesn’t work if you turn on the internal pullups on the SDA and SCL lines. The solution is to comment...

If you read an integer that's out of range, currently it gets truncated: 313> (print 88888) 23352 It should give an "Integer out of range" error.

The analogue inputs don't work; trying: Serial.println(analogRead(A0)); always prints 0, and: Serial.println(analogRead(33)); always prints 33.

As stated in the Maixduino documentation: > Only pins that are set to the input function by **pinMode()** can be read. This is different from the standard Arduino behaviour. Why...

If you try to transfer more than about 960 characters from the Serial Monitor to the board via the serial interface it drops characters. To demonstrate this run the following...

I'm developing an application with the MXChip IoT DevKit using the Arduino IDE to interface with the board via the Serial Monitor. However, after transferring 384 characters the Serial Monitor...

need attention

Calling **return** outside **loop**, **dotimes**, or **dolist** causes subsequent loops to fail. For example: (defun test () (dotimes (x 6) (princ x)) (return 67)) It works the first time but...

On some platforms I'm getting a spurious character appearing in the Serial Monitor on starting uLisp; for example, on the Arduino Due: This is generated by code which is effectively:...