Erwin Vrolijk
Erwin Vrolijk
Hi, I also have the color version, not V2, and I am experiencing the same issues. Nothing is displayed, yet the test runs ok. The screen is connected to the...
just confirmed the c example also doesn't output anything to the screen. ``` ./epd EPD_7IN5BC_test Demo /***********************************/ Current environment: Raspbian set wiringPi lib success !!! /***********************************/ e-Paper Init and Clear......
> Last communication I got back from them said to try using wires instead header pins as a connection. so I'm pretty close to giving up. :-\ Hi, Did you...
I have a 7.5 in Yellow screen, a rev 2.1 driver board and rpi4, the samples also don't work for me.
As a new user I completely misunderstood the profile repository association. I expected the repositories to be linked to a profile. Meaning the backups will be made to all repositories...
What would have helped me: on the repository tab, change of "Repository: " to "Select a repository:". Where "a repository" is a cue that one repository will be used. Any...
Implementation seems pretty ok. Any chance this will be merged?
Too bad. @SBFspot what's the route you are taking? I'm dockerizing this tool, to use in [a project]( to visualise both energy generated by PV and readouts of a smart...
Thanks for your perspective. > I prefer to have the same features for both windows and linux versions. So, if someone provides a PR developed for linux, someone has to...
Do you notice any memory leaks? I've been using @PjotrekSE 's fork with a 20 sec interval. Output to sqlite. And this setup seems to leak, starting at 6 Mb...