Josh Nichols

Results 136 comments of Josh Nichols

Another idea tossed around has been a `create` repo, ie as described in

@sankethkatta I actually opened an issue just the other day for this over at Would you mind posting over there? I think help command parsing might be expecting coffeescript.

Sorry, just saw the title update. It's good to leave this open, but is still of interest :grin:

This will be more relevant as hubot's core is in javascript, and that will become the recommended way to write scripts. cc

> Another is that it's not clear to me that results are output to STDERR in the new flow? It does not, but that is something I was thinking 👍🏻

Ran into this too, and foudn the sonic-pi-server.rb at `/Applications/Sonic` You can manually run it like `ruby /Applications/Sonic\`, and then `sonic-pi-tool check` should work.

We ran in the same thing. One workaround I'm trying now is: ```ruby # config/initializer/console.rb Rails.application.console do Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.instance_eval do def method_missing(m, *args, &block) if m.to_s.end_with?('_path', '_url') RoutesLazyRoutes.eager_load! return public_send(m, *args,...

To revisit my earlier comment... that workaround didn't work. Partially, it's because the Rails URL helpers aren't normally available in the console from the top level object. The underlying problem...

For those using sidekiq, you can update your `Sidekiq.configure_server` block to be like: ```ruby # config/initializers/sidekiq.rb Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| if defined?(RoutesLazyRoutes) Rails.application.config.after_initialize do RoutesLazyRoutes.eager_load! end end ```

Do you see the same thing with setting it to juts `CWD`? That is what the README currently says, and I'm not seeing a delay when using it.