Is there any prediction of when oracle support will come out?
> @technervs Can you explain more about the CQN issue? What are the details of what you tried (versions, options, etc)? I have a custom node on n8n using the...
> Hey @technervs, > > Can you try running this repo to see if you get the same issue without your changes to see if you have the same issue....
When running the npm explain @aws-sdknpm why @aws-sdk commands, it generated an error log: 0 verbose cli C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js 1 info using [email protected] 2 info using [email protected] 3...
I managed to solve it in the following way, I went back to the old versions of the packages and I had to change the name of the node folder...
> Você renomeou a pasta In ou qual?`node_modules``.n8n/custom` I renamed the project folder and when I use npm link it consequently changes the name of the folder in the .n8n/custom...