
Results 7 issues of techman05

I'd like to see campBX and coinbase on the price chart. It may have helped me noticed the difference in the downward trend speed recently. Thanks

Have been using them and saw they changed. Ports should be right. Eclipcemc I changed to and it seemed to improve my hashing (was getting 600khashes and went up...

I'm trying an eroupter with cgminer and it took some hopping around to get it working. I'm hoping these will be recognized with a new guiMiner compiled but since the...

It looks like rasberry pi has python on it but I'm not sure how to get it to treat the py files as executables like on the pc (regaurdless if...

It looked like a lot of items had been updated and I tried to run with the packages needed via python 2.7 installed and packages from portable python 2.7 ....

If the server list is setup the way it is in december 2012 version I'll probably copy server details from there , but its not listed when I open from...

two of the pools I've started mining with and btcguild have changes pool addresses. I wasn't sure how to add to the file so I'm adding here. btcGuild I...