Tim Ebben

Results 16 comments of Tim Ebben

Regarding the solution of bert, the result you will get is all HistoricalLocations with or without expanded locations. What you probably want is relation filtering ``v1.0/Things(2704005)/HistoricalLocations?$expand=Locations&$filter=st_within(Locations/location, geography'POLYGON((-4 -11, 4 -11,...

Getting only the last observation for a thing is not possible, you can however request the related datastreams and the latest observation for the datastream. Example GET a list of...

It's possible that some queries do not work on version 0.5, latest version has better query support.

Should be something like ``` http://data.smartemission.nl/gost/v1.0/Things(1)?$expand=Datastreams/Observations($filter=date(phenomenonTime) le date(now()) and date(phenomenonTime) ge date('2018-01-01');$select=result,phenomenonTime,parameters)&$select=id,name ``` however, I found a problem with parsing of string/date/time on inline queries, I'm looking into it now

Using ISO 8601 strings should also be fine I just used date() as an example, The odata code is now updated to get the mentioned example working, strings weren't parsed...

Related to issue #146, should be fixed. We are aware of possible complications around not having a nextlink on expanded entity arrays, the STA standard does not specify this and...

Prefix is now configurable in config.yaml (mqtt/prefix) or by using the environment variable GOST_MQTT_PREFIX. As requested in https://github.com/gost/server/issues/136 It is now possible to setup multiple GOST servers and connect to...

I can reproduce this bug on 0.5 and latest, I probably introduced this bug somewhere when changing the queries. Working on it..

Returning too few results per page when using $expand should be fixed with commit https://github.com/gost/server/commit/9fc9764c6a6229b7603a969afe50de8bc22860b6 In the above mentioned commit there was also a fix for a sometimes incorrect result...

About the 2nd request: Some time ago when we worked on and example request 4 as test, we changed the left joins to inner joins for expands to return...