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{literally watching your every move*} *not really, just when your graph runs. 🔍 hh is currently reporting the hour as a 12 hour clock rather than 24 hour. @brencass [suggests using HH instead]( @radumg [suggests ISO8601 standard format]( As we're targeting a...
As discussed by @2adicted, @brencass, and @radumg We can use ```c# Model.HostName Model.HostVersion ``` To determine which environment the Dynamo graph is being run in: Dynamo Revit, Dynamo Sandbox,...
Add methods to export run data to `.csv` and `.json` saved on the local file system or networked server. Proposed method names are `Data.ExportToCSV()` and `Data.ExportToJSON()`. The methods will accept...
The groundwork is already there; Binoculars has been configured to build and run tests on [AppVeyor CI]( but currently it only confirms that Binoculars builds without errors, next we need...
Rather than sending data to the Google Sheets API every run we should save to a local `.csv` or `.json` file then export to the server / API endpoint on...
Investigate the feasibility of using AWS CloudWatch as a storage and visualisation endpoint.
AWS S3 is one of the cheapest cloud storage options available with incredible uptime and reliability. It would be well worth considering as an alternative storage platform, but we may...