Trying to use the elastic sink. It works for a short time, then failes... This is my setup : return m_LoggerConfiguration.WriteTo.Elasticsearch(new ElasticsearchSinkOptions(new Uri(TmpURL)) { AutoRegisterTemplate = true , AutoRegisterTemplateVersion =...
Hi I am trying to add some proprietary fields to the elastic serilog sink. But the fields should not be indexed. I have created a template to use for this....
Hi Please implement jquery support so JavaScript can work. sample : BrowseSharp.Browser TmpBrowser = new BrowseSharp.Browser(); TmpBrowser.Navigate(URL); var TmpElements = TmpBrowser.Document.GetElementsByClassName("ok_button"); if (TmpElements.Length == 1) { ((IHtmlElement)TmpElements[0]).DoClick(); return true; }...
Some times language folder en-US is not removed after embedding resources. The build window reports : 1> Deleted resource files 'en-US, nb-NO' as they where embedded into the target. 1>...
Hi I am trying to remove some embedded resources. // the list TmpRemove contains the list of resources to remove ... IEnumerable TmpMethods = Asm.MainModule.Types.Where(o => o.IsClass == true &&...
Hi I am trying to remove some embedded resources. // the list TmpRemove contains the list of resources to remove ... IEnumerable TmpMethods = Asm.MainModule.Types.Where(o => o.IsClass == true &&...