Tom Depew
Tom Depew
It appears to be crucial to have it before your `css({ output: 'bundle.css' }),` entry. In retrospect this makes sense, but newbies like myself may get stuck on it (as...
I think it's a bit more subtle. The code in question is already in triple quotes as it's attempting to dynamically write a Python class on the fly, based on...
I "think" that perhaps you could do something like: ``` # asyncua/ua/ NodeId.to_string() ... def to_string(self): string = [] if self.NamespaceIndex != 0: if '"' in self.NamespaceIndex: string.append(f'ns={self.NamespaceIndex}') else: string.append(f"ns={self.NamespaceIndex}")...
I suppose that technically the Node ID is compatible with Python syntax (w.r.t. #784), but not if you try to wrap that particular string in double quotes. You could argue...
I think the escape quote approach should work, but it doesn't appear to be getting through to the `make_structure_code` function. If we hardcode in our data type with escape characters...
I believe this is due to dependency on the C `libzmq` library. You could try rebuilding with `CGO_ENABLED=1`