Thomas DeRensis
Thomas DeRensis
Is there supposed to be a console output on one of the UART ports? I couldn't find any documentation on that. If not, I'll try to pull the logs by...
It doesn't look like any logs were stored. I checked `/var/log` and `/var/run/log/journal`
I have transcribed what I see on the output: ``` U-Boot 2022.04 (Apr 04 2022 - 14:31:32 +0000) Allwinner Technology CPU: Allwinner A64 (SUN50I)\ Model: Sopine with baseboard DRAM: 2...
OK I decided to try and boot the system again without changing the SD card and it worked! However, I tried to power cycle and now it doesn't function again....
I forgot to update here, but I figured out that the boot always works if I boot an Armbian build first. So it seems like there is something that happens...
Do you have a timeframe with when the last working build? I could try the branches from that timeframe and maybe bisect the issue.