Tim Chow
Tim Chow
Hey @sunil553 and @dantuswaroop - very sorry for the delayed response. The Jacoco library should be removed in the next release of the SDK. This should prevent this crash.
Hey @sreereddymenon! We just released a beta for the next major version, v5. In this new version, the `VenmoClient` no longer requires references to Fragment or Activity. We'd love for...
Hey @asos-edgeorge! We just released a beta for the next major version, v5. In this version, the interface has been updated to give the additional browser switch flexibility. We'd love...
Hey @salosoft! We just released a beta for the next major version, v5. In this new version, we updated the SDK callback interface. We'd love for you to try out...
Hi @LAMESGIT - We just released the GA version of v5! In this version, the interface has been updated to give the additional browser switch flexibility. For the case where...
Hi @smuldr - Thanks for calling this out. We'll notify the internal team who owns this dependency.
hi @developer-dmp - The changes have been merged in and will be available in the next SDK release.
@dscoder421 - Thanks for the feature request. Are you able to include the PaymentButton View in Compose? https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/interop/interop-apis#views-in-compose Is there another behavior or integration that you're looking for?
Thanks for the stacktraces. We haven't had a chance to test our payment buttons within Compose. But I'll create a ticket for us to track the work. Will keep you...
@wangdabin2333 - This looks to be an issue with proguard being enabled. When you're running in the test environment, do you have proguard disabled?