Tom Davis
Tom Davis
The script seems to always be diffing against my checkout which means that if I do a grep against the past 100 commits and 50 commits into the history it...
It seems there's a bug with the yasnippet generation because snippets do not exit. Basically this means I need to call `yas-exit-all-snippets` after I'm done tabbing through and filling out...
Say I have a task like: ``` clojure (comp (pom :project 'com.example/foo :version "1.0" ;; ... :dependencies '[[com.example/bar "0.1"]]) (jar) (target)) ``` The `pom.xml` created by `pom` includes all the...
I had to disable "on cursorhold" functionality due to the fact that it was causing every cursor movement to lag when navigating/editing HTML files. I used `` and my largest...
One of my models uses a custom QuerySet and Manager. When I return a SerializableResponse of "CustomQuerySet", my object serializer is ignored and instead a response is returned like: ```...
When attempting to call `lib/pki-authority sign` manually (I want to manually sign some CSRs with the authority provided by debops), it fails with: `lib/pki-authority: line 661: 4: unbound variable`. The...
First off, thanks for putting this out; it was exactly what I needed! Initially, all was well, but after I added more files to `src/`, I got an error when...