Tiancheng Xu

Results 6 comments of Tiancheng Xu

I also wish to know have you experimented with a more recent GPU, say RTX 2080, that requires CUDA 10?

> I met the same problem as you mentioned in the github of PointCloudLibrary/pcl, a problem that throws segmentation fault at range_image.createFromPointCloud, when I want to get range image from...

Sorry for the late reply. I am checking out what's going on.

> Hundreds of this Error :- > > `HTTPConnectionPool(host='www.dermnet.com',` port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /dn2/allJPG3/warts-treatment-2.jpg (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service...

Using Clang-6.0 instead of GCC-7.5.0/6.5.0 seems to work. Reference: https://groups.google.com/g/afl-users/c/cCzDOLjt1VI/m/wpq7AGsfAwAJ