For ndimf = 2, an AnalyticalFunction returns the result in a weird format
**Phase 1: Mesh** Status: @tcreusc to start working in it Tasks - [x] Check if STL stuff still works #291 - [x] Move: Geometry directly to Mesh #308 - [x]...
Remove createFromFile, setCoord, setConnec, createDiscontinuousMesh, triangulateMesh
Check the first test at BoundaryCondTestsSuite. Results may not be correct.
Even though it only has 6k elements and 1331 nodes. The slowest process seems to be solving it, but perhaps it's a bit too much.
- [ ] Analyze the coverage of the code - [ ] Add new tests to cover useful parts of the code
The calculation of the boundary needs to be redone. Check DiffReactTestsSuite, case 2D StiffnessMassBoundaryMass