Taylor Paddock

Results 3 comments of Taylor Paddock

I'm not able to get anything to work without -Credential being passed. I tried Jaykul's install method with setting VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS. ``` Register-PSRepository -Name "Test" -SourceLocation "https://pkgs.dev.azure.com//_packaging//nuget/v2" -InstallationPolicy Trusted ``` returns...

@SydneyhSmith with `Find-Module * -Repository Test` I get ``` WARNING: Cannot access 'https://pkgs.dev.azure.com//_packaging//nuget/v2'. Are you missing 'Credential' parameter in the cmdlet? WARNING: Unable to resolve package source 'https://pkgs.dev.azure.com//_packaging//nuget/v2'. ```

I logged in to Azure DevOps through IE and cached credentials. I'm no longer receiving access denied. Find-Module now returns ``` WARNING: Query Url https://pkgs.dev.azure.com//_packaging//nuget/v2 is invalid. ``` There are...