Terry Cojean
Terry Cojean
This seems to be hitting the 0:45 job timeout on HoreKa now. Maybe we should increase to 1h. https://gitlab.com/ginkgo-project/ginkgo-public-ci/-/jobs/3269009595.
Nice results, thanks Thomas.
Should be fixed after #1331. Please reopen if that is not the case.
This is now updated with pure focus on Ginkgo integration within OpenCARP. Thanks the the patches being integrated into py-carputils@master, the number of lines of code shrinked significantly. This PR...
Thanks Pratik for taking this up! I agree with Marcel, we should not clutter this file too much. The main point from my PoV is to concentrate citations on e.g....
Thanks a lot for the report and the details! I believe this is normal, we have not yet tested ROCm 6.0 and thankfully, ROCm 6.0 now enforces the FHS standard...
I realize that our CI was also not actually running with OpenMP, despite the name stating so. For MacOS when using homebrew's `libomp`, you need to add to the CMake...
Just to make sure it's here, here is how we use the current ressource manager in OpenCARP which infinitely simplifies the interfacing to Ginkgo. https://git.opencarp.org/openCARP/openCARP/-/blob/master/numerics/ginkgo/SF_ginkgo_solver.cc It's unclear for preconditioners like...
> Actually, a unified build is not too hard because gitlab provides CI_RUNNER_TAGS. Thus, we can select the slurm script when CI_RUNNER_TAGS contains horeka or slurm or normal scrip otherwise....
Thanks Luka for the contribution! Currently, we're busy with a release, we will take a look at this afterward. Other ways to analyze our benchmark data are always interesting :smile:.