I don't quite understand. The `is_verified()` returns false even after a successful login with 2FA, is that an expected behavior ? Here are the steps: * User log in with...
Yeah, I've logged in again and it retruns false. Here is a snippet of my code: ```python def home(request): if not request.user.is_authenticated: return redirect("/account/login") if not request.user.is_verified(): return redirect('/account/two_factor') ......
I have the same issue, I gave my service accounts all the authorization in GSuite Admin and gave him the right scopes with domain wide delegation and I'm facing the...
Hey guys, I solved my issue by bypassing the google api nodejs client, using my following code: ```javascript const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); const keys = require('./jwt.keys.json'); const fetch = require("node-fetch");...
@justinmchase sorry for my mistake. I meant by bypassing the google nodejs client. I think you need to specify when the service account is created the dwd account used. That's...