Matteo Settenvini
Matteo Settenvini
Thanks @soenkehahn, I addressed the points you raised in the reworked RFC. In particular: > pkgid is not related to a workspace member I rewrote this section to clearly mention...
Thanks again @soenkehahn, I integrated changes as suggested, and kept the case about incompatible version constraints. I still haven't seen that happen in practice, but since it costs close to...
> I like the concept of this. I feel that this should be an extension to artifact dependencies, rather than just a related feature as this RFC presents it. In...
> 2. Now we can change the working directory to the manifest path of the dependency and do a `cargo run` or `cargo run --bin ...` there. > * We...
I see a similar problem with an event like the following: ``` BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//IDN 0.0.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:[email protected] DTSTAMP:20220729T192029Z SUMMARY:Pasta fredda con pesto senza aglio DESCRIPTION:cookbook@72130 LOCATION: io.html DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20220705T184000...
Reference to standard:
Related to
> As for the flatpak being hard to find, that would be something that we could fix in the README. Also, flatpak support is rather new (not yet part of...
@matthijskooijman would it make sense to do a new minor release out of master, to expose the flatpak artifact publicly? It would greatly help discoverability while we think about how...
Assuming that what you want is to run hamster for your user "salim", you should be at least using user units in `$HOME/.config/systemd/user`, and call `systemctl` with the `--user` flag....