Tim Cartwright

Results 15 comments of Tim Cartwright

Just chiming in to see if / how this was fixed? We are wanting to debug stored procedures as well.

@siprbaum If you want I can close this PR and make the following changes: - Add a new --trusted switch - Alter the code for prompting to be the default...

> Could we perhaps instead concentrate on the easy / mechanical parts first, makeing this effectively > > > @siprbaum If you want I can close this PR and make...

> By the way, are you aware of PR #1384 and especially of commit [713ba15](https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs/commit/713ba1563aa3e29f7be7a1bddca803771ab5be1d) which states > > > Remove support for TFS 2008 > > The check `Is2008OrOlder`...

> > By the way, are you aware of PR #1384 and especially of commit [713ba15](https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs/commit/713ba1563aa3e29f7be7a1bddca803771ab5be1d) which states > > > Remove support for TFS 2008 > > > The...

@siprbaum Just committed the changes suggested, and removed the trusted code. Will create a new PR for the trusted stuff.

> Thx. Will take me 1-2 days to get to the review... No worries. TY for being patient with me. I am pretty noobish to git/github. > In the meantime,...

@siprbaum Is it ok for me to build the --trusted authentication branch off this branch?

@siprbaum I just noticed an issue. The PAT is not being stored into the git config. I also noticed additional Authentication headers down lower in the docs after my last...

Hey @jmezach, thank you very much for the response. I appreciate it very much. Getting the rules in place is actually a two step process. Really should update the readme....